The Internet just keeps getting better and better. I can’t wait to start work on monday, yay!

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Nobody Goes to Facebook Anymore. It’s Too Crowded.

An Interesting read…


A year ago Steven Levy suggested that Facebook should give us each a single “friend-list do-over.”

A lot of commenters challenged him. “Grow some balls and just unfriend people,” said one of the more even tempered readers. Another – “These comments are too constructive. Someone should just call this guy an idiot.”

Steven probably didn’t see that criticism coming, because he probably assumed people understand how difficult it is to unfriend people on Facebook at any sort of scale. You have to find the person, hover over the friend button, select unfriend and then click a confirmation.

That’s a few seconds, and when you are trying to remove hundreds, or thousands, or people you don’t know as friends, that takes Too Long. And so the friends stay, for the same reason that every clock in my house is off by an hour for half the year.

So, no, most of…

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I think i’m getting the hang of this. Let’s how this goes…

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Mobile Cloud Video from Youtube, enjoy!

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